MDM-Lite - A Better Approach to Meter Data Management Systems

Meter Data Management Systems (MDMS) are an expensive and complex software layer that many utilities are actively encouraged to purchase, to enhance their Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) networks. For larger electric and gas utilities with complex billing rates, frequently estimated bills, and demand response programs, an MDMS can be critical.

For smaller utilities, especially water providers, where the AMI headend system can produce a billing file and meter reads are rarely estimated, a full MDMS may be overkill. In fact, many utilities who have purchased an MDMS report that they don't feel they've achieved the value that was promised them during the sales process, and that the costs aren't justified.

One source of frustration is ease-of-use. Utilities were often led to believe that employees would be able to use the meter reading data in the MDMS to build custom reports. They were also told that sharing data with other systems--e.g., consumer portal, utility billing, and work order management--would be easy.

When employees tried to create reports or share data, they quickly realized that the process was not designed for end-users and required a higher level of expertise.

These utilities were left paying hefty, recurring software fees for an MDMS that essentially produces a billing file and stores consumption data.


Configured for your Utility

We developed our MDM-Lite module to provide the essential capabilities most utilities need, at a much more affordable price. We don't require your staff to configure the application. We work with your organization to understand the requirements, then our team customizes the system to meet those needs.


A Simpler Billing Process

MDM-Lite will be configured to create a billing file that can be uploaded to your utility's billing or customer information system (CIS). To generate this file, staff members simply click a button, select the start and end dates, pick a route or cycle, and it's created automatically, ready for import.

Time-of-Use (TOU), peak billing charges, and other complex rate calculations are supported.


Built-In Data Validation, Editing, and Estimation (VEE)

AquaHawk and UtilityHawk are continually receiving, analyzing, and validating data as it pours in from an AMI system. Internal processes "scrub" that data so that errors and invalid reads are not displayed to customers, and don't affect billing data.

Accounts with missing reads are added to an exception report. Utility staff can then:

  • Manually enter a final read
  • Use the system to estimate a final read.

The estimation rules are configurable by utility.


Long-Term Data Storage and Supported Integration

Long term data storage is included: hourly data for up to two years and daily data for up to five years. The system can handle interval data down to one minute. If your utility wants to share data with other software applications, AmCoBi will build those integrations.


Custom Reporting

Tell us your reporting requirements and our team will create the reports. For example, we provided one of our clients with a report showing hourly use data for each of their modeling and pressure zones. We created a process where they could search for a subgroup of accounts, say "hotels" or "restaurants", export hourly use data, and perform their own comparisons.

Our method is faster and doesn't require your staff to be software programmers.


Identifying Meters Impacting Revenue

Standard reports help utilities identify issues such as:

  • Active meters with no usage
  • Inactive meters with some usage
  • Reverse flow
  • AMI vendor-specific alarms such as tampers and low battery.


All AMI Systems Supported

Meter data from AMI, Automated Meter Reading (AMR), touch read, manual, and SCADA systems can be simultaneously integrated into MDM-Lite. Data can be exchanged via MultiSpeak, CMEP, and other common formats.

AmCoBi's MDM-Lite module provides a comprehensive set of capabilities at significantly discounted prices. We tailor our system to meet the unique needs of your utility. Employees will spend less time administering the billing process, yet have more flexibility.

Staff members can utilize the volumes of meter reading data to gain valuable insights and improve the efficiency of their organizations. Long term data storage gives you confidence that historical information will be protected. A versatile architecture makes sharing data with other systems a simple process.

Contact us to learn how MDM-Lite can serve your utility.